Students who struggle in the early grades with reading fluency and blending word parts together often find themselves falling further and further behind their peers in language arts. Teachers do what they can to provide extra instruction or intervention outside their...
When students have fallen behind in word recognition and struggle to make sense of print at the word level, reading often becomes quite frustrating as they observe their peers enjoying much more sophisticated books. Their classroom guided reading lessons, while...
When we refer to struggling readers, who are we talking about? Are we talking about all of the students who are not reading at or above our grade level standards? Are all of them struggling? Does struggling mean that learning to read feels hard for them? In my many...
Access to the Middle of the Word Providing developing readers with a way to clearly see the rime within a word, beginning with words that consistently act the same way, allows them to march forward with renewed confidence. Instead of relying only on the beginning...
Who needs Magic Rimes? Any student who is struggling with decoding will benefit from the Rime Magic sequence. When students who are in third grade and above score below a 3.0 grade equivalent on a word recognition assessment, the Magic Rimes will straighten out the...
When I began teaching special education in middle school, I found that twelve of my students (half my sixth-grade caseload) were reading at first- or second-grade level due to their struggles with word recognition. They had been participating in reading intervention...